All companies would love to keep hold of their best employees with the objective to be “the most preferred institution”. Institutions constantly are in competition with their rivals due to such objective because talented and successful employees increase an institution’s value. When companies are in constant competition with each other, it is inevitable to experience the unwanted and lose their best employees to other companies.
Research show that primary reason for leave of employment is that career options do not satisfy employees. Besides the expectation of a high salary, employees would like to take on more responsibility with the goal to achieve a successful career. Therefore institutions need to work harder on employee commitment to hold their best employees for long years.
Employee commitment has become more important than ever recently as all companies and human resources teams are looking for innovative solutions for. Especially in the recent years the number of employees leaving work due to career goals, expectations on salary and other different reasons started to increase. Along with that increase companies started to lose their best employees. As losing best employees has a negative impact on corporate goals and corporate culture companies are forced to look for different solutions.
In this context institutions to increase employee commitment started using software to facilitate faster adaptation of employees to companies starting from onboarding process. Thanks to effective onboarding software utilized during the job engagement process, the institutions ensure that their employees adapt to their jobs and corporate culture fast and work efficiently in shorter time.
HumanSoft running on Microsoft Dynamics CRM base as software offering strong solutions in Organizational Management, Employee Management, Recruitment Management, Administrative Affairs and Employee Management areas provides institutions with flexible modules in recruitment and onboarding processes with customized solutions fit for each company’s specific needs. Onboarding process as one of the most important steps in Human Resources Management becomes most effectively efficient thanks to HumanSoft and thus results in a significant increase in employees commitment to their companies.